F1GP-EdF1GP-Ed Documentation

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First of all, big thanks to the following who have helped contribute to the
features provided by F1GP-Ed:

   Grant Reeve, Toni Wilen, Nicola Salmoria, Steve Smith, Rob Buis,
   René Smit, Patrick Giesbergen, Robert Rohde & Alan Strang

Thanks to my army of beta testers for pointing out bugs during development
of this version of the editor, and offering suggestions:

   Dave Wright, Thomas Rode, Mario Sarno, Marco Saupe, Andrew Long,
   Chris Wright, Chris McGonagle, Michael Kane & Gavin McLean

I'd like to thank for the following who put up with what must have been
about 20 different beta versions (in preparation for v3.40) of my patch to
allow the game to run using non-15kHz screenmodes, before I finally got it
right with the help of their feedback:

   Ron Vance, Marco Saupe, Paolo Ferraresi, Russell Hodges & Michal Janak

Extra thanks to:

   Riccardo Carletti for the excellent F1GP-Ed icon, in its various
   guises, and Matt Chaput for his excellent GlowIcons which I have used
   to give F1GP-Ed a newicon look.

   James Bott, Matthias Fisch, Dave McKenna and everyone else who has sent
   me their cockpit designs.

   Steven Whittaker and Christophe Macours for sending me some excellent
   sound samples.

   Greg Gladwell for giving me an account on goliath.nanunanu.org - which
   is where my web pages live, and Anthony Holloway for the rendered
   F1GP-Ed logo found there.

Thanks to the following who have helped aid development in one way of

   Obvious Implementations Corp. for Dice 3.20.
   Edd Dumbill for Heddley V1.1.
   Geoff Crammond for creating F1GP - contact me if you're reading this!
   MicroProse US for giving me permission to release this editor.
   Nick Veitch at Amiga Format for taking me up on my F1GP-Ed AF offer

And of course, last but not least, thanks to everybody who has taken the
effort to register F1GP-Ed.

Documentation Translation Credits

   German     - Dirk Kocherscheidt   (Dirk@inpw.net)
                Stephan Jansen       (S.Jansen@mail.k.mcs.de)
   French     - Daniel Grenson       (Be-1140 Brussels)

Catalog Translation Credits

   Czech      - Michal Janak         (chemont@chemont.anet.cz)
   Danish     - Niels Christiansen   (Niels.C@gmx.net)
   Dutch      - René Smit            (rsdi@xs4all.nl)
   Finnish    - Timo Kaikumaa        (timok@cs.tut.fi)
   French     - Christophe Macours   (s952025@student.ulg.ac.be)
   German     - Dirk Kocherscheidt   (Dirk@inpw.net)
   Greek      - Argyris Maistralis   (amaist@softlab.ntua.gr)
   Italian    - Claudio Di Martino   (claudio@igecuniv.cisi.unige.it)
   Norwegian  - Kim Roar Utsi        (kimme@arcticnet.no)
   Polish     - Rafal Ziarnik        (yaper@star.wckp.lodz.pl)
   Spanish    - Ignacia Cuadrado     (igarcia@readysoft.es)
   Swedish    - Lars Renström        (larrie@ludd.luth.se)

Installer Translation Credits

   German     - Dirk Kocherscheidt   (Dirk@inpw.net)
   French     - Daniel Grenson       (Be-1140 Brussels)


Formula One Grand Prix  (c) Copyright 1991,1992 Geoff Crammond
                        (c) Copyright 1991,1992 MicroProse Software

GPPatch                 (c) Copyright 1994-1995 Toni Wilen

PatchF1GP               (c) Copyright 1995 Grant Reeve

f1gp.library            (c) Copyright 1995-1998 Oliver Roberts

reqtools.library        (c) Copyright 1991-1994 Nico Francois

gadtools13.library      (c) Copyright 1992-1993 Jaba Development

AmigaGuide®             (c) Copyright 1992-1995 ESCOM AG
                            All Rights Reserved.

Installer and Installer project icon (c) Copyright 1995-96 Escom AG.  All
Rights Reserved. Reproduced and distributed under license from Escom AG.

Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.